Sunday, October 28, 2007

SolarSystem Map View

Ok, now we`ve got a simple Solarsystem map.
Map can be zoomed in and out, you can click on a planet and Autopilot kicks in and starts to fly you there.
On this screen I will make it so you can plot a course to planets or bring up information about panets and objects in the system, ie main trading, mineral contents of moons, asteroids and comets too etc etc...
I am currently struggling to get a visually pleasing schematic view of the Galaxy to allow the player to select a Solarsytem to fly too!
I think I need a 3D view that can be rotated around and near by Systems can then be clicked on to bring up more details and plot a course to!
I hope to post my solution to this soon, once I work out how to display the data to the player.

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