Saturday, January 19, 2008

Video 6 - The Space Wars

A pre-release video as we work hard on the space battle scenes!

Expect the weapons to look bigger and better, and more ship types too!


Anonymous said...

Hey Steve

It's looking good, but some of the details were hard to distinguish in the video. And by that I mean, do the enemy ships blow up or fire back yet? I wasn't able to spot that.

The new models are looking good though.


Anonymous said...

Hi Luke,

Yes the enemy can shoot back, either lasers or bolts.
Not that they do much in the video.
You can destroy ships, but they just dissapear at the moment - no explosion routines yet!

New models are excellent, thanks Roop for the concept art and Shea for the 3D work. And thanks Luke for the great music.


Moris Beracha said...

The good:
Nice Music
Nice enemies/allies AI

The bad:
The game look too dark
I did not see any explosions
HUD needs improvement

Hope this helps,
Moris Beracha